[See also regulations 69,70]
Lairages and holding pens -
a) | may not be closer than six meters from, and not be situated higher than, the abattoir; |
b) | must be constructed of cleanable, non-absorbent and durable material; |
c) | must be so constructed and maintained to avoid injury of birds; |
d) | must have sides not less than 1.6 m in height; |
e) | must have permanent floors that are curbed and drained; |
f) | must be so constructed to render the floors and drain covers non-slippery; |
g) | must be designed, in layout, to avoid corners smaller than 90°; |
h) | must be fitted with gates which are wide enough to prevent injury to birds passing through; |
j) | must be fitted with water troughs at least 1000 mm from the ground and located on the outside of the pens to prevent injury; |
k) | must have a well drained manure slabs for droppings, prior to removal except if it is removed directly in a vehicle; |
l) | must be provided with wash points, hoses and reels; and |
m) | used to isolate suspect birds must in addition to above have solid walls and gate and must not drain across other pens or pose any other contamination risk. |