South African Social Security Agency Act, 2004 (Act No. 9 of 2004)
Notice No. 690 of 2004
Chapter 1 : Definitions
1. Definitions
Chapter 2 : South African Social Security Agency
2. Establishment of Agency
3. Objects of Agency
4. Functions of Agency
Chapter 3 : Chief Executive Officer and Other Staff of Agency
5. Chief Executive Officer
6. Functions of Chief Executive Officer
7. Staff of Agency
8. Conflict of interest
Chapter 4 : Funds and Business of Agency
9. Funds of Agency
10. Financial management
11. Reporting and audit
12. Immovable property
13. General operations
14. Legal proceedings against Agency
15. Limitation of liability
Chapter 5 : General Provisions
16. Security of confidential information held by Agency
17. Dissolution of Agency
18. Use of name of Agency
19. General offences
20. Penalties
21. Regulations
Chapter 6 : Transitional Provisions
22. Transfer of staff
23. Assets, liabilities and funds
24. Transfer of social assistance administration to Agency
25. Short title and commencement