Part 3 : Operation of catchment management agencies

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Part 3 deals with the functions and operation of catchment management agencies. Initial functions, dealt with in Part 2, include the investigation of and advice on water resources, the co-ordination of the related activities of other water management institutions within its water management area, the development of a catchment management strategy and the promotion of community participation in water resource management within its water management area. Additional powers and duties described in Schedule 3 may be assigned or delegated to agencies such as to establish water use rules and management systems, to direct users to terminate illegal uses of water, and to temporarily limit the use of water during periods of shortage.


A catchment management agency may be financed by the state from water use charges made in its water management area or from any other source.


84. Funding of catchment management agencies

85. Documents relating to litigation

86. Delegation of powers by catchment management agency