Chapter 7 : Catchment Management Agencies

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This Chapter provides for the progressive establishment by the Minister of catchment management agencies. The purpose of establishing these agencies is to delegate water resource management to the regional or catchment level and to involve local communities, within the framework of the  national water resource strategy established in terms of Chapter 2. Whilst the ultimate aim is to establish catchment management agencies for all water management areas, the Minister acts as the catchment management agency where one has not been established. Where the necessary capacity does not exist to establish a catchment management agency, an advisory committee may be appointed under Chapter 9 to develop the necessary capacity as a first step towards establishing an agency.


Part 1 : Establishment and powers of catchment management agencies

Part 2 : Governing board of catchment management agencies

Part 3 : Operation of catchment management agencies

Part 4 : Intervention, disestablishment or change of water management areas of catchment management agencies