- Marketing of Agricultural Products Act, 1996 (Act No. 47 of 1996)
- Notices
- 2008 Notices
- Establishment of Statutory Measure: Records and Returns in respect of Maize and Wheat Imports and Exports
- Establishment of Statutory Measure: Records and Returns in respect of Maize, Oilseeds, Sorghum and Winter Cereal
- Notice No. 606 of 2008
- 1. Definitions
- 2. Purpose and aims of statutory measure and the relation thereof to objectives of the Act
- 3. Product to which statutory measure applies
- 4. Area in which statutory measure applies
- 5. Records to be kept by end-consumers, importers, storers, exporters and processors of maize, oilseeds, sorghum and winter cereal
- 6. Returns to be rendered by end-consumers, importers, storers, exporters or processors of maize, oilseeds, sorghum and winter cereal
- 7. Commencement and period of validity
- Establishment of Statutory Measure - Registration of certain persons in respect of Maize, Oilseeds, Sorghum and Winter Cereal
- Notice No. 607 of 2008
- 1. Definitions
- 2. Purpose and aims of statutory measure and the relation thereof to objectives of the Act
- 3. Product to which statutory measure applies
- 4. Area in which statutory measure applies
- 5. Registration of end-consumers, importers, storers, exporters and processors of maize, oilseeds, sorghum and winter cereal
- 6. Application for registration as end-consumer, importer, storer, exporter or processor of maize, oilseeds, sorghum and winter cereal
- 7. Commencement and period of validity
- 2014 Notices
- 2016 Notices
- 2017 Notices
- 2018 Notices
- Establishment of Levy and Determination of Guideline Prices: Levy on Cattle, Sheep, Goats, Red Meat, Red Meat Products, Processed Pork, Hides and Skins
- Establishment of Statutory Measure: Registration of Role-Players in the Red Meat Industry
- Establishment of Statutory Measure : Registration by Sellers of Table Eggs to the Trade
- Establishment of Statutory Measure and Determination of Guideline Price: Levies relating to Table Eggs
- Establishment of Statutory Measure and Determination of Guideline Prices : Levy relating to Cotton Lint
- Establishment of Statutory Measure: Registration of Exporters, Importers, Processors, Producers and Purchasers of Cotton
- Establishment of Statutory Measure: Records and Returns by Exporters, Importers, Processors and Purchasers of Cotton
- 2019 Notices
- 2020 Notices
- Establishment of Statutory Measure : Registration of Milk Producers
- Establishment of Statutory Measure : Records and Returns by Milk Producers
- Establishment of Statutory Measure : Records and Returns by Abattoirs and other Role-Players in the Red Meat Industry
- Establishment of Levy and Determination of Guideline Prices: Levy on Cattle, Sheep, Goats, Red Meat, Red Meat Products, Processed Pork
- Establishment of Statutory Measure and Determination of Levies on Fynbos Products
- Establishment of Statutory Measure: Registration of Producers, Packers and Exporters of Fynbos Products
- Establishment of Statutory Measure: Records and Returns relating to Fynbos Products as well as Production and Export Information of Fynbos Products
- Continuation of Statutory Measure and Determination of Guideline Prices: Levies relating to Wheat, Barley and Oats
- Establishment of Statutory Measure: Registration of Producers and Exporters of Table Grapes
- Establishment of Statutory Measure and Determination of Levies on Table Grapes
- Establishment of Statutory Measure: Records and Returns relating to persons involved in the export of fresh citrus fruit
- Establishment of Statutory Measure: Records and Returns relating to Vines; as well as Production & Market Information of Table Grapes
- Establishment of Statutory Measure: Registration of Producers, Processors and Importers of Table Olives and Olive Oil
- Establishment of Statutory Measure: Records and Returns relating to Olive Trees as well as Domestic Production and Processing of Table Olives and Olive Oil, and Importation of Table Olives and Olive Oil
- Establishment of Statutory Measure and Determination of Levies on Table Olives and Olive Oil
- Establishment of Statutory Measure and Determination of a Differentiated Levy on Planted Hectares for Funding of an Integrated Area Wide Fruit Fly Control Programme in Specified Production Areas
- Establishment of Statutory Measure: Registration of persons involved in the export of fresh citrus fruit
- Establishment of Statutory Measure and Determination of Guideline Prices: Levies on fresh citrus fruit intended for Export
- Establishment of Statutory Measure and Determination of Levies on Dried Vine Fruit
- Establishment of Statutory Measure: Records and Returns in respect of Dried Vine Fruit
- Establishment of Statutory Measure: Registration of certain persons in respect of Dried Vine Fruit
- Continuation of Statutory Measure: Registration of Producers and Persons dealing with Wool in the course of trade
- Continuation of Statutory Measure: Records and Returns by Brokers, Traders or Wool Buyers, Processors, Importers and Exporters of Wool
- 2021 Notices
- 2022 Notices
- Continuation of Statutory Levies on Table Eggs as prescribed by Regulation R.345, as amended and on Egg Products sold to the Trade and Determination of Guideline Price - Effective 1 April 2022
- Continuation of Statutory Measure regarding the Registration of Sellers of Table Eggs as prescribed by Regulation R.345, as amended and Egg Products sold to the Trade
- Continuation of Statutory Measure regarding Records and Returns by Sellers of Table Eggs as prescribed by Regulation R. 345, as amended and Egg Products sold to the Trade - Effective 1 April 2022
- Establishment of Statutory Measure and Determination of a Differentiated Ad Hoc Levy on Planted Fruit Hectares for Funding of an Area Wide Bactrocera Dorsalis Eradication Programme in Specified Production Areas
- Establishment of Statutory Measure: Records and Returns in respect of Weekly Maize, Wheat, Soybeans and Sunflower Seed Producer Deliveries
- Establishment of Statutory Measure: Records and Returns by Abattoirs and other Role-Players in the Red Meat Industry
- Continuation of Statutory Measure and Determination of Guideline Price: Levies relating to Pigs : Effective 1 November 2022
- Continuation of Statutory Measures: Records and Returns by Abattoirs and Exporters of Live Pigs : Effective 1 November 2022
- Continuation of Statutory Measure: Registration by Abattoirs and Exporters of Live Pigs : Effective 1 November 2022
- Establishment of Statutory Measure: Registration of Role-Players in the Red Meat Industry
- Establishment of Levy and Determination of Guideline Prices: Levy on Cattle, Sheep, Goats and Red Meat
- Establishment of Statutory Measure: Registration of Macadamia Growers, Processors, Consolidators, Importer, Exporters of Macadamia Nuts and Nurseries
- Establishment of Statutory Measure and Determination of Levies on Macadamia Nuts
- Establishment of Statutory Measure: Records and Returns relating to Macadamias Domestic Production, Processing, Imports, Exports of Macadamia Nuts as well as Trees
- Continuation of Statutory Measure and Determination of Guideline Price: Levy relating to Soybeans
- 2023 Notices
- Establishment of a Statutory Measure: Records and Returns by Processors and Persons dealing in Lucerne Seed and Lucerne Hay
- Establishment of Statutory Measure and Determination of Guideline Prices: Levies relating to Lucerne Seed and Lucerne Hay
- Establishment of Statutory Measure: Registration of Processors, Producers and Persons dealing in Lucerne Seed and Lucerne Hay
- Establishment of Levy and Determination of Guideline Prices: Levies relating to Imported Meat and Poultry
- Establishment of Statutory Measure: Records and Returns by Importers of Meat, Poultry Meat and Mechanically Deboned Meat
- Establishment of Statutory Measure: Records and Returns in respect of Berries, Citrus Fruit, Dried Grapes, Pome Fruit, Stone Fruit, Subtropical Fruit and Table Grapes
- Establishment of Statutory Measure: Registration of Certain Persons in respect of Berries, Citrus Fruit, Dried Grapes, Pome Fruit, Stone Fruit, Subtropical Fruit and Table Grapes
- Establishment of Statutory Measure: Records and Returns by Certification Bodies, Fresh Produce Markets, Importers, Exporters, Packaging Material Importers, Packaging Material Manufacturers, Potato Producers, Pre-Packers and Processors
- Establishment of Statutory Measure: Registration of Certification Bodies, Exporters, Fresh Produce Markets, Importers, Market Agents, Packaging Material Importers, Packaging Material Manufacturers, Potato Producers, Pre-Packers, Processors and Traders
- Establishment of Statutory Measure: Determination of Guideline Prices and Levies relating to Potatoes
- Wine Industry: Amendment of Statutory Measures and Determination of Guideline Prices
- Establishment of Statutory Measure and Determination of Guideline Prices: Levies relating to Lupins - effective 1 October 2023 to 30 September 2025
- Continuation of Statutory Measure and Determination of Guideline Prices: Levies relating to Wheat, Barley and Oats - effective 1 October 2023 to 30 September 2026
- Establishment of Statutory Measure and Determination of Levies on Apples
- Establishment of Statutory Measure and Determination of Levies on Apricots
- Establishment of Statutory Measure and Determination of Levies on Peaches & Nectarines
- Establishment of Statutory Measure and Determination of Levies on Pears
- Establishment of Statutory Measure and Determination of Levies on Plums (including Interspecific Plums) and Prunes
- Establishment of Statutory Measure: Records and Returns relating to Trees as well as Production & Marketing Information of Plums & Prunes, Nectarines & Peaches, Apricots, Apples and Pears
- Establishment of Statutory Measure: Registration of Producers, Exporters, Municipal Markets and Traders of Plums & Prunes, Peaches & Nectarines, Apricots, Apples and Pears and Processos of Apple Concentrate and Packers/Processors of Dried Fruit
- Establishment of Statutory Measure: Levies relating to Pecan Nuts and Pecan Nut Products
- Establishment of Statutory Measure: Records and Returns relating to Pecan Nut Trees as well as Domestic Production, Processing, Imports and Exports of Pecan Nuts and Pecan Nut Products
- Establishment of Statutory Measure: Registration of Producers, Processors, Importers and Exporters of Pecan Nuts and Pecan Nut Products
- 2024 Notices
- Establishment of Statutory Measure and Determination of Guideline Prices for Levies on Pomegranate and Pomegranate Products
- Establishment of Statutory Measure: Registration of Producers, Exporters and Processors of Pomegranates
- Establishment of Statutory Measure: Records and Returns relating to Trees as well as Production & Marketing Information of Pomegranates
- Establishment of Statutory Measure: Records and Returns by Milk Producers
- Establishment of Statutory Measure: Registration of Milk Producers
- Continuation of Statutory Measure: Registration of Producers and Persons dealing with Wool in the course of Trade - effective 28 June 2024 to 28 June 2028
- Continuation of Statutory Measure: Records and Returns by Brokers, Traders or Wool Buyers, Processors, Importers and Exporters of Wool - effective 28 June 2024 to 28 June 2028
- Establishment of Statutory Measure and Determination of a Differentiated Levy on Planted Hectares for funding of an integrated area Wide Fruit Fly Control Programme in Specified Production Areas
- Establishment of Statutory Measure and Determination of Guideline Prices: Levies relating to Wheat, Barley and Oats
- Establishment of Statutory Measure and Determination of levies on Fynbos Cut-Flower Products
- Establishment of Statutory Measure: Registration of Producers, Packers and Exporters of Fynbos Cut-Flower Products
- Establishment of Statutory Measure: Records and Returns relating to Fynbos Cut-Flower Products as well as Production and Export Information of Fynbos Cut-Flower Products
- Establishment of Statutory Measure and Determination of Levies on Table Olives and Olive Oil
- Establishment of Statutory Measure: Records and Returns relating to Olive Trees as well as Domestic Production and Processing of Table Olives and Olive Oil, and importation of Table Olives and Olive Oil
- Establishment of Statutory Measure: Registration of Producers, Processors and Importers of Table Olives and Olive Oil
- Establishment of Statutory Measures and Determination of Levies on Table Grapes
- Establishment of Statutory Measure: Records and Returns relating to Vines; as well as Production & Market Information of Table Grapes
- Establishment of Statutory Measure: Registration of Producers and Exporters of Table Grapes
- Establishment of Statutory Measure and Determination of Guideline Prices: Levies on Fresh Citrus Fruit intended for Export
- Establishment of Statutory Measure: Records and Returns relating to persons involved in the Export of Fresh Citrus Fruit
- Establishment of Statutory Measure: Registration of persons involved in the Export of Fresh Citrus Fruit
- Establishment of Statutory Measure and Determination of Levies on Dried Vine Fruit
- Establishment of Statutory Measure: Registration of certain persons in respect of Dried Vine Fruit
- Establishment of Statutory Measure: Records and Returns in respect of Dried Vine Fruit
- Notice No. R. 5709 of 2024
- 1. Definitions
- 3. Purpose and aims of statutory measure and the relation thereof to objectives of the Act
- 4. Product to which statutory measure applies
- 5. Area in which statutory measure applies
- 6. Records to be kept by importers, packers, exporters, producers, marketers, handlers/traders and processors of dried vine fruit
- 7. Returns to be rendered by importers, producers, packers, exporters, marketers, handlers/traders and processors of dried vine fruit
- 8. Offences and Penalties
- 9. Commencement and period of validity
- 2025 Notices