Marketing of Agricultural Products Act, 1996 (Act No. 47 of 1996)


Establishment of Statutory Measure and Determination of Levies on Dried Vine Fruit

6. Imposition of levy

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(a) the traditional levy is hereby imposed on dried vine fruit (gross mass delivered/received) bought or received locally by a packer, marketer, trader, handler, processor and exporter or produced locally by a producer and/or processed locally by a processor and any importer of dried vine fruit. A packer, processor, marketer, trader, handler and exporter who has paid a levy may recover the amount of the levy from the primary grower / importing entity from which he / she / it has bought / received the dried vine fruit on which the levy is payable, or who has produced the dried vine fruit.


(b) The payment of the fruit fly statutory levy shall be imposed on dried vine fruits specifically within the Orange River Valley.