Financial and Fiscal Commission Act, 1997 (Act No. 99 of 1997)
Notice No. 1654 of 1997
1. Definitions
Part 1 : Status, functions and powers of Commission
2. Status
3. Functions
4. Powers
Part 2 : Membership of Commission
5. Composition
6. [Repealed] Chairpersons
7. Qualifications
8. Term of office
9. Remuneration, allowances and benefits
10. Resignations
11. Removal from office
12. [Repealed] Vacancies
13. Acting Chairperson
Part 3 : Operating procedure of Commission
14. Meetings
15. Quorums
16. Rules
17. Committees
18. Assignments of powers and duties
18A. Conduct of members
Part 4 : Administration and staff matters
19. Chief executive officer and other staff ...
20. Terms and conditions of employment
21. Pension benefits
22. Services of non-employees
Part 5 : Finances of Commission
23. Funding
24. Accountability
25. Audits
Part 6 : Miscellaneous
26. Annual report
27. Information required by Commission
28. Liability of Commission
29. Protection of confidential information
30. [Repealed] Regulations
Part 7 : Transitional arrangements
31. [Repealed] Definitions
32. [Repealed] Members of previous Commission
33. [Repealed] Transfer of assets, liabilities, staff, etc.
34. [Repealed] Financial and administrative records
35. Short title and commencement
Determination of Remuneration of the Member of the Financial and Fiscal Commission
Notice No. 1417 of 2020
[Repealed] Determination of the Salaries and Allowances of the Members of the Financial and Fiscal Commission: 2021/2022
Notice No. 3685 of 2023
Determination of the Salaries and Allowances of the Members of the Financial and Fiscal Commission: 2021/2022
Notice No. 1969 of 2023
Determination of Remuneration of Members of Financial and Fiscal Commission
Proclamation No. R. 52 of 2019