South African Citizenship Act, 1995 (Act No. 88 of 1995)


Schedule 2 : Laws Repealed

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(Section 26)


No. and year of law

Short title

Extent of repeal

Act No. 44 of 1949

South African Citizenship Act, 1949

The whole

Act No. 64 of 1961

South African Citizenship Amendment Act, 1961

The whole

Act No. 69 of 1962

Commonwealth Relations Act, 1962

Section 13 and sections 18 to 28 inclusive

Act No. 23 of 1964

Residence in the Republic Regulation Act, 1964

The whole

Act No. 41 of 1973

South African Citizenship Amendment Act, 1973

The whole

Act No. 53 of 1978

South African Citizenship Amendment Act, 1978

The whole

Act No. 30 of 1980

South African Citizenship Amendment Act, 1980

The whole

Act No. 95 of 1981

South African Citizenship Amendment Act, 1981

The whole

Act No. 43 of 1984

South African Citizenship Amendment Act, 1984

The whole

Act No. 53 of 1986

Matters concerning Admission to and Residence in the Republic Amendment Act, 1986

The whole

Act No. 74 of 1990

South African Citizenship at Attainment of Independence by Namibia Regulation Act, 1990

The whole

Act No. 70 of 1991

South African Citizenship Amendment Act, 1991

The whole

Act No. 132 of 1993

General Law Fourth Amendment Act, 1993

Sections 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9

Act No. 196 of 1993

Restoration and Extension of South African Citizenship Act, 1993

The whole

Act No. 15 of 1976 (Transkei)

Republic of Transkei Constitution Act, 1976

Sections 57 and 58

Act No. 26 of 1976 (Transkei)

Citizenship of Transkei Act, 1976

The whole

Act No. 18 of 1977 (Bophuthatswana)

Republic of Bophuthatswana Constitution Act, 1977

Section 80

Act No. 19 of 1978 (Bophuthatswana)

Bophuthatswana Citizenship Act, 1978

The whole

Act No. 15 of 1986 (Bophuthatswana)

Bophuthatswana Citizenship Amendment Act, 1986

The whole

Act No. 9 of 1979 (Venda)

Republic of Venda Constitution Act, 1979

Section 59 and 60

Act No. 8 of 1980 (Venda)

Citizenship of Venda Act, 1980

The whole

Act No. 20 of 1981 (Ciskei)

Republic of Ciskei Constitution Act, 1981

Section 67

Act No. 38 of 1984 (Ciskei)

Ciskeian Citizenship Act, 1984

The whole

Act No. 7 of 1987

Ciskeian Citizenship Amendment Act, 1987

The whole

Act No. 16 of 1988 (Ciskei)

Ciskeian Citizenship Amendment Act, 1988

The whole