National Water Act, 1998 (Act No. 36 of 1998)


Water Use Licence Application and Appeals Regulations, 2017


Annexure B

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Forms and reports to be completed in respect of particular water use application



Form Name

Complete this form if you are applying as and for;

Supplementary forms

(submit with application)

Supporting technical information to be provided with the technical report



Application for water use licence.


Certified Copy of Identity Document (of the Representative and/or an Applicant)
Certified Copy of Business Registration Certificate (if applicant is a Company)
Certified Copy of Title Deeds Document and/or Permission to Occupy
Certified Copy of Letter of Authority/Power of Attorney to sign on  behalf of the Prospective Water User
Proof of Payment of Water Licensing Fee
Certified Copy of BBBEE certificate, Master Layout Plan (optional)



An Individual

Allows 'Individual' related water users to provide information about their contact details and Water Management Area of where their water use takes place.





A Water Services Provider

Allows 'Water Services Provider' related water users to provide information about their contact details & Water Management Area of where their water use takes place.





A Company, Business or Partnership -- National or Provincial


Allows "Company, Business or Partnership -- National or Provincial Government" related water users to provide information about their contact details & Water Management Area of where their water use takes place.





Water Users Association -- Including: Irrigation Boards, Subterranean Water Control Boards, Water Boards for Stock Watering, Settlement Boards, Water Conservation Boards

Allows Water Use Association -Including: Irrigation Boards, Subterranean Water Control Boards, Water Boards for Stock Watering, Settlement Boards, Water Conservation Boards" related water users to provide information about their contact details & Water Management Area of where their water use takes place.





Section 21(a) of the National Water Act: Taking water from a water resource


This form allows the applicant to provide information about their water use in respect of;

Pumping of water from a dam or river, or from a borehole

Relevant to sector:

Agriculture: Irrigation (form DW787)
Industrial (form DW788)
Mining (form DW788)
Power Generation (form DW788)
Water Supply Service (form DW789)


If "Pump" is selected as a method of abstraction—

complete Form DW784)


Submit with supporting appendices:

Agriculture Business Plan - if the purpose of taking of water from a water resource is for irrigation or animal production
Aide Memoir - if the purpose of taking of water from a water resource is to treat it in a water treatment works
Integrated Water and Wastewater Management Plan ( IWWMP) - if the purpose of taking of water from a water resource is for industry or mining use



Section 21(b) of the National Water Act: Storing water


This form allows the applicant to provide information about their water use in respect of

Water that is stored in a dam, reservoir or other impoundment.
The storage dam can be in a watercourse, or off channel. Commonly the stored water is from natural runoff or river water.
Weirs built on rivers may also store water, unless there is an outlet for drainage under low flow conditions.
These structures must comply with the Dam Safety Regulations.

Complete the following if the purpose of the dam is for:

Agriculture: Irrigation (complete form DW787)
Mining (form DW788)
Water Supply Service (form DW789)


Complete form DW790 in the following two cases:

A proposed dam which has not yet been classified, or
An existing dam which will be enlarged by increasing the gross storage capacity, dam classification must take place before the licence application. In these cases, complete only parts 1, 2, 3, and 4 of this form, and
Complete form DW793 (Dam Classification).

Submit with supporting appendices:


Water storage facility design report (Dam/ Pollution control dam /Return water dam) together with;


Agriculture Business Plan - if the purpose of storing water is for irrigation or animal production


Aide Memoir- if the purpose of storing water is to treat for potable consumption in a water treatment works


Integrated Water and Wastewater Management Plan (IWWMP) - if the purpose of storing water is for industry or mining use;


Power generation business plan - if the purpose of storing water is for power generation;



Section 21(c) of the National Water Act: Impeding or diverting the flow of water in a watercourse


This form allows the applicant to provide information about their water use in respect of


Impeding or diverting flow does not cause any loss in flow.
Impeding or diverting structures can fully or partially extend into a river, forcing the natural flow direction to be re- directed around the structure.
Impeding or diverting can be temporary, during construction of a road bridge for example. It can also be permanent, such as the building of a low water bridge across a river where the flow is permanently impeded as it moves under the bridge.
Gauging weirs are an example of impedance if under low flow conditions there is no storage behind the weir. If there is water retained in the weir, then the water use is considered to be "storing water" and "impeding or diverting flow ".

Also complete DW781/775:

Supplementary Water Use Information Form for Section 21(c) and (i) Water Uses.

Submit the following "technical reports" with supporting appendices:


Wetland delineation report



Section 21(d) of the National Water Act: Engaging in a stream flow reduction activity


This form allows the applicant to provide information about their water use in respect of


Commercial afforestation as is currently the only activity declared to be a stream flow reduction activity.


Submit the following "technical reports" with supporting appendices:


Stream flow reduction activity business plan



Section 21(i) of the National Water Act: Altering the bed, banks or characteristics of a watercourse


This form allows the applicant to provide information about their

water use in respect of


Physical changes that are made to a water course, for example to widen or straighten the channel of a river.
Alteration of the bed and banks is usually needed for construction and infrastructure development near or across a river. Sand mining is another common example of this water use.
Alteration of the course of a watercourse refers to the diversion of the water course. The river channel is usually reconstructed or replaced with a canal which may extend for several kilometres from the original course.

Also complete DW781/775:

Supplementary Water Use information Form for Section 21(c) and (i) Water Uses


Submit the following "technical reports" with supporting appendices:


Wetland delineation report




Section 21(j) of the National Water Act: Removing, discharging or disposing of water found underground if it is necessary for the efficient continuation of an activity or for the safety of people


This form allows the applicant to provide information about their water use in respect of when water must be removed for efficiency or safety reasons. An example of this use is to ensure safety in underground mining. Many construction sites also require undergroundwater to be removed. This water use does NOT apply to the taking of water referred to in 21(a) above.



Submit the following "technical reports" with supporting appendices if the purpose of Removing, discharging or disposing of water found underground if it is necessary for the efficient continuation of an activity or for the safety of people is for:


Civil Design Report - Water storage facility design report (Dam/ Pollution control dam /Return water dam) together with;


Aide Memoir - if the purpose of storing water is to treat for potable consumption in a water treatment works


Integrated Water and Wastewater Management Plan (IWWMP) - if the purpose of storing water is for industry or mining use;


Power generation business plan - if the purpose of storing water is for power generation




Section 21(k) of the National Water Act: Using water for recreational purposes


This form allows the applicant to provide information about their water use in respect of organised water sports, fishing competitions, floating restaurants etc.





Section 21(e) of the National Water Act: Engaging in a controlled activity in terms of section 37 or 38 of the NWA


Irrigation of any land with waste or water containing waste generated through any industrial activity or by a waterwork


Currently, the following are controlled activities:


irrigating with waste water;
modification of atmospheric precipitation (cloud seeding);
power generation which alters the flow regime of a water resource; and intentional recharge of undergroundwater with waste water.
A common controlled activity is irrigation with wastewater, typically from a water treatment works. This can be a productive use of water if a crop is grown with the wastewater.
Hydrological fracturing, unconventional gas.


Submit the following "technical reports" with supporting appendices if the purpose of Engaging in a controlled activity in terms of section 37 or 38 of the NWA is for:


Aide Memoir - if the purpose is irrigation of any land with waste or water containing waste generated through any industrial activity is for wastewater treatment works


Integrated Water and Wastewater Management Plan (IWWMP) - if the purpose of Irrigation of any land with waste or water containing waste generated through any industrial activity or by a waterwork is for industry or mining use;


Power generation business plan - if the purpose of Irrigation of any land with waste or water containing waste generated through any industrial activity or by a waterwork is for power generation;


Geohydrological report - if the controlled activity is intentional recharging of an aquifer with any waste or water containing waste



Section 21(f) of the National Water Act: Discharging waste or water containing waste into a water resource through a pipe, canal, sewer, sea outfall or other conduit


This water use entails the discharge of waste or wastewater directly into a water resource.


Common examples of this water use are waste released into a river or dam at a discharge point such as waste water from factories, or partially treated wastewater from treatment plants.


Waste discharged into a municipal sewer is NOT included in this water use; however, the waste discharged by the municipal treatment works into a water resource IS an example of this water use.



Submit the following "technical reports" with supporting appendices if the purpose of Dïscharging waste or water containing waste into a water resource through a pipe, canal, sewer, sea outfall or other conduits for:


Civil Design Report - Water storage facility design report (Dam/ Pollution control dam Return water dam) together with;


Aide Memoir - if the purpose is for discharging waste or water after treatment in a water works


Integrated Water and Wastewater Management Plan (IWWMP) - if the purpose is for discharging waste or water after treatment in a water works from industry or mining use;


Power generation business plan - if the purpose is for discharging waste or water after treatment in a water workspower generation;


Geohydrological report - if the purpose is for discharging waste or water after treatment in a water works affects groundwater.



Section 21(g) of the National Water Act: Disposing of waste in a manner which may detrimentally impact on a water resource


This is typically disposal that takes place into on-site facilities such as french drains, conservancy tanks, pit latrines and soak-aways. Another example of this water use is disposal into wastewater treatment systems, such as oxidation ponds that do not have an outlet into a water resource. If the oxidation pond has an outflow into a river or dam, it is defined as water use 21(f) above for discharging waste water into a water resource. Evaporation dams are a further common example of this water use.


Submit the following "technical reports" with supporting appendices if the purpose of Disposing of waste in a manner which may detrimentally impact on a water resource is for:


Civil Design Report - Water storage facility design report (Dam/ Pollution control dam /Return water dam) together with;


Aide Memoir - if the purpose is for disposing is treatment in a water works


Integrated Water and Wastewater Management Plan (IWWMP) - - if the purpose is for disposing waste or water after treatment in a water works from industry or mining use;


Power generation business plan - if the purpose is for disposing waste or water after treatment in a water workspower generation;


Geohydrological report - if the purpose is for discharging waste or water after treatment in a water works affects groundwater.



Section 21(h) of the National Water Act: Disposing in any manner of water which contains waste from, or which has been heated in, any industrial or power generation process

This water use refers specifically to the temperature of the wastewater which may have a significant effect on the environment. This water use also refers to discharges to the marine environment (sea, surf-zone).


Submit the following "technical reports" with supporting appendices if the purpose of Disposing in any manner of water which contains waste from, or which has been heated in, any industrial or power generation process is for

Power generation business plan - if the purpose is for;



Details of Property where water use occurs






Details of Property Owner





Supplementary Water Use Information Form for Section 21(c)  and (i) Water Uses





Taking water from a water resource - Pump technical data





Taking water from a water resource - Canal technical data





Taking water from a water resource - Irrigation field and crop information





Taking water from a water resource - Power generation, industrial or mining use





Taking water from a water resource - Domestic, Urban, Commercial or Industrial use





Storing water - Dam and basin technical data





Storing water - Dam Classification