National Water Act, 1998 (Act No. 36 of 1998)


Water Use Licence Application and Appeals Regulations, 2017


Annexure D

The Tables of Contents

4 Integrated Water and Wastewater Management Report

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1. Introduction


1.1 Activity Background
1.2 Regional setting and location of activity
1.3 Property description
1.4 Purpose of IWWMP


2. Conceptualisation of activity


2.1. Description of activity
2.2. Extent of activity
2.3. Key activity related processes and products
2.4. Activity life description
2.5. Activity infrastructure description
2.6. Key water uses and waste streams
2.7. Organisational structure of activity
2.8. Business and corporate policies


3.Regulatory water and waste management framework


3.1 Summary of all water uses
3.2 Existing lawful water uses
3.3 Relevant exemptions
3.4 Generally authorised water uses
3.5 New water uses to be licenced
3.6 Waste management activity (NEMWA)
3.7 Waste related authorisations
3.8 Other authorisation (EIAs, EMPs, RODs, Regulations)


4. Present Environmental Situation


4.1 Climate
4.2 Regional Climate Rainfall
4.3 Evaporation
4.4 Surface Water
4.5 Water Management Area
4.6 Surface Water Hydrology
4.7 Surface Water Quality
4.8 Mean Annual Runoff (MAR)
4.9 Resources Class and River Health Receiving Water Quality Objectives and Reserve
4.10 Surface Water User Survey
4.11 Sensitive Areas Survey
4.12 Groundwater
4.13 Aquifer Characterisation
4.15 Hydro -census
4.16 Potential Pollution Source Identification
4.17 Groundwater Model
4.18 Socio-economic environment


5. Analysis and characterization of the water use activity


5.1 Site delineation for characterisation
5.2 Water and waste management
5.3 Process water
5.4 Storm water
5.5 Groundwater
5.6 Waste
5.7 Operational Management
5.8 Organisational Structure
5.9 Resources and competence
5.10 Education and training
5.11 Internal and external communication
5.12 Awareness raising
5.13 Monitoring and control
5.14 Surface water monitoring
5.15 Groundwater monitoring
5.16 Bio monitoring
5.17 Waste monitoring
5.18 Risk assessment / Best Practice Assessment
5.19 Issues and responses from public consultation process
5.20 Matters requiring attention / problem statement
5.21 Assessment of level and confidence of information


6. Water and Waste Management


6.1 Water and waste management philosophy (process water, stormwater, groundwater and waste)
6.2 Strategies (process water, stormwater, groundwater and waste)
6.3 Performance objectives / goals
6.4 Measures to achieve and sustain performance objectives
6.5 Option analyses and motivation for implementation of preferred options (optional)
6.6 IWVVMP action plan
6.7 Control and monitoring
6.8 Monitoring of change in baseline (environment) information (Surface water, groundwater and bio- monitoring
6.9 Audit and report on performance measures
6.10 Audit and report on relevance of IWWMP action plan


7. Conclusion


7.1 Regulatory status of activity
7.2 Statement of water uses requiring authorisation, dispensing with licencing requirement and possible exemption from regulation


8. References


9. Appendices: Specialist Studies


9.1 Geohydrology
9.2 Civil design
9.3 Wetland delineation report