National Water Act, 1998 (Act No. 36 of 1998)


Water Use Licence Application and Appeals Regulations, 2017


Annexure D

The Tables of Contents

1 Waste Water Treatment/Water Treatment Plants Technical Report

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The executive summary should summarise the overall benefits of the water supply and or waste water management project to the beneficiary communities. In regards to a waste water management project it should highlight the major environmental findings and how these will be managed to prevent, reduce or rehabilitate adverse impacts.




Application for a licence to take water from a water resource for domestic and industrial supply, and to dispose offwaste from a waste treatment works by, e.g. discharge, irrigation etc.




Part 1 : Administrative lnformation and Brief Project Description

(NB: use maps to indicate the information where necessary)


1.1 Name, address, telephone and fax numbers and contact persons for:
Water Services Authority /Water Servíces Provider/
The holding company /authority/
The applicant (name and status)


1.2Details of existing exemptions - if applicable.

(In terms of sections of the National Environmental Management Act if exempt to the report)


1.3Details of the contract between the water services authority and the water

(Attach a copy of the contract to this report)


1.4Magisterial district and relevant regional services authority


1.5Name of the nearest town/residential area and its distance from the site


1.6 Surface infrastructure serving the site(e.g. roads, railways, power lines, etc.)


1.7Ownership of the land


1.8Longitude and Latitude of the site


1.9Zoning of the land


1.10 Ownership of adjacent/potentially impacted land


1.11Occupier of the adjacent land


1.12 Zoning of the adjacent land


1.13Name of the river catchment


1.14Brief description of the intention of this application


1.15Has the Water Treatment Plant and/or Sewage Treatment Works been included in the Water Services Development Plan (WSDP)


WSDP Registry File Number as given by the Department




Part 2 : Description of the Environment (for orientation and first order screening)


2.1        Climate

2.1.1        Regional climate

2.1.2        Rainfall data

2.1.3        Temperature data

2.1.4        Wind data

2.1.5        Evaporation data

2.1.6Any extreme weather conditions prevalent (e.g. snow, frost, hails, etc.)


2.2        Topography


2.3        Soil


2.4 Geology - General geology of the area - presence of dykes, sills and faults


2.5Land capacity (arable, grazing, wetland or wilderness)


2.6Land use - zoning


2.7Natural vegetation and plant life


2.8Surface water

- name of nearest watercourse

- water quality - pH, conductivity etc.

- surface water use(domestic, industrial, agricultural, recreational or natural environment)

- water authority

- presence of wetlands


2.9 Groundwater

- presence and position on a map, of boreholes within a 1000m radium of the site

- yield of boreholes

- groundwater use

- groundwater quality (pH, conductivity, nitrate)


2.10        Air quality


2.11        Noise


2.12        Sites of archaeological interest


2.13        Sensitive landscapes


2.14        Visual aspects


2.15Regional socio- economic structure(Short description)

- Population, economic activities, unemployment rate, housing demand, social infrastructure, water supply and sanitation, power supply


2.16        lnterested and affected parties


2.17        Industrial activity

(types of industries present, waste purification, - by industry/third party, by local authority)


Part 3 : Watersupply


3.1        Water use

3.1.1        Sources of water

(local authority, river, boreholes, sea, irrigation board or waterboard, use of excess groundwater, recycled waste(internal source, e.g. Cooling water), recycled waste(external source, e.g. sewage waste) (In all above cases the average daily /monthly and maximum daily /monthly quantities are required)

3.1.2 Yearly usage patterns (e.g. more in summer than winter)
3.1.3Yearly water use
3.1.4Water rights(Legal documents)

(riparian rights, public or private water, entitlements, water court orders, quotas, agreements)


Part 4 : Description of Reticulation system


4.1Percentage of area served which is un-sewered

4.1.1        How is this area serviced:

(pit latrines bucket system, conservancy tanks, septic tanks and French drains)


4.2Percentage of the area which is sewered or to be sewered
4.2.1What type of network is in place /will be installed

- (standard reticulation, small bore system)

4.2.2        Location of sewers

- midblock

- standard


4.3Nature of sewage
4.3.1 Domestic component -projections(no. of persons)








High Income Permanent






Low Income Permanent






Holiday Makers







4.3.2        Industrial component

- daily volumes /expected volume treated

- type of industrial waste (mainly organic, organic, heavy metals, mixture)

- names of industries contributing to the volume (and locally treated) including problem constituents received from each


4.4        Hydraulic and organic loading

4.4.1        Hydraulic loading

(High-income, low income, holiday makers, industrial component)

4.4.2        COD load (g/day)

4.4.3Total Nitrogen as TKN(g/day)

4.4.4        PhosphateasP (g/day)

4.4.5Peak dry weather flowfactor- XxNormaI DWF
4.4.6 Peak wet weather flowfactor- XxPeak DWF


Part 5 : Description of Sewage Treatment works and Classification


5.1InIet works (screens, grit channels and flow measurement)
5.1.1Method of disposal of screenings and grit, (e.g by burial, incineration, etc.)
5.1.2Location of the disposal site and/or the name of the solid waste dump
5.1.3 Method of flow measurement


5.2        Primary sedimentation tanks

5.2.1What is the nominal upwardflow rates for:

- average dry weather (m3 /hr)

- peak stormflow(m3 /hr)


5.3        Septic tanks

(number of septic tanks and volume of each, average retention time in the tank(s) at average dry weather flow(hours), average depth of tank(s)(m), (proposed) methods of periodical desludging, methods of disposal of the sIudge so removed, method of disposal of the overflow, if not to further processing, e.g. to French drains, soak-away, etc.).


5.4        Biological filtration systems

(Cubic metre of settled sewage per cubic metre of media per day (m3/m3 /day), number of grams of "4 hour PV" per cubic metre of media per day (gm /m3 /day))


5.5Activated sludge systems - where applicable, give proprietary names: State the:
5.5.1Type of system and basic design information;
5.5.2Method of operation; and
5.5.3Method of phosphate removal, if any.


5.6Humus tanks or secondary sedimentation tanks
5.6.1What is the nominal upward flow rate for:

-average dry weather flow (m3 /hr)

-peak storm flow(m3 /hr)


5.7Sludge handling:
5.7.1 State the quantity of wet sludge (to be produced per day) (m3)
5.7.2State the method of treatment of surplus activated sludge discharged, prior to its disposal on land or to drying beds or by other means
5.7.3State the relative digester capacity (m3 /capita)
5.7.4State the total digester capacity (m3)
5.7.5How is the supernatant liquid (to be) disposed of
5.7.6If land disposal of wet sludge is (to be) used, state the area of land (ha)
5.7.7State the relative capacity (m3 /capita) of any sludge drying beds
5.7.8 Slate the total area (m2) of any sludge drying beds
5.7.9How is drainage from the beds or other separators (to be) dealt with?
5.7.10What other means are (to be) used for dealing with digested or any other sludge?
5.7.11How is dried sludge (to be) finally disposed of, e.g. on land, by incineration, etc.?


5.8Oxidation pond systems
5.8.1 Describe any pre-treatment units ahead of the ponds and state their capacity
5.8.2 State the number of ponds in the system, their depth and surface area for each
5.8.3 Give the sequence of flow through the pond system

5.8.4        What is the:

- average dry weather flow (m3 /hr)

- peak storm flow (m3 /hr) of the pond system, if any?

5.8.5Where is the outflow (to be) directed to, e.g. evaporation ponds, irrigation, etc.


5.9Tertiary treatment - state basic design details, where applicable for:
5.9.1Micromesh screens
5.9.2Rapid gravity sand filters
5.9.3 Slow sand filters
5.9.4 Hamlin filters
5.9.5 Reed bed systems
5.9.6Maturation pond system, (i.e. the number of ponds, the sequence in which they are used (e.g. in series), the retention time in each pond (days) and the total capacity of the ponds(m3))
5.9.7Phosphate removal - give details of the method and of the basic design
5.9.8Disinfection of the final effluent - (if by chlorination, give details of the method and the contact time in the pond or contact tank; if by any other method, UV light, ozone, etc., give details of use, including the period of application and the intensity)
5.9.9 Any other tertiary treatment


5.10CIassification of works and operators
5.10.1 ls the works classified?
5.1 0.2Are all operators classified?

(- request relevant forms for classification of both the works and the operators in  terms of the present Regulation No. R2834 from (012)336 7547)


5.11 Fencing around the works - describe.


Part 6 : Water and Materials Balance Diagram

(Supply a flow diagram showing all inputs and outputs (including materials, chemicals, wastes, sludge's solid waste etc.)


Part 7 : Management Systems and Pollution Prevention Methods


7.1 Description of hierarchy of operating staff
7.2Availability of mechanical maintenance staff
7.3Availability of electrical maintenance staff
7.4Availability of process control staff and/or process consultants
7.5Are there a set of drainage by-laws in place (if so, attach a copy) - are there by-laws actively administered
7.6Technology - (This must be answered considering the description of the environment and the environmental impacts)
7.6.1Is the waste treatment process the best option to protect the described environment - motivate
7.6.2ls the disposal practice the best option - motivate
7.6.3Is the be available technology in use (best environmental option) - motivate
7.6.4What is the alternative option of treatment and disposal?
7.6.5Why was the proposed /existing option chosen?


7.7        WQ Operational Management Plan

7.7.1 What are the chances of a system failure?
7.7.2What are the implications of such failure?
7.7.3What safety factors have been used?
7.7.4What is the management and maintenance plans?
7.7.5 Availability of standby/spare equipment?
7.7.6What is the accident and emergency action plans?
7.7.7What plans are there to minimise the pollution hazard/potential?
7.7.8What monitoring and auditing systems do you have to detect malfunctions?
7.7.9 Are there alarm systems in place at all pump stations?
7.7.10 Are there notification procedures for the downstream users?


Part 8 : Disposal of solid waste and sludge


8.1        Description of solid waste

8.1.1Solid waste

- quantity (tons per day, tons per year)

8.1.2Analyses of solid waste (composition and percentages)

8.2        Description of sludge

- quantity (tons per day, tons per year)

8.2.1Analyses of sludge
8.2.2Classification of sludge according to the Guidelines: Permissible Utilisation and Disposal of Sewage Sludge, Edition 1 August 1997.
8.2.3Disposal to ponds/lagoons Groundwater monitoring
8.2.4Land disposal

(irrigation, Composting, Analyses of soils, On site/Off site, Description of groundwater monitoring)

8.2.5Description of contracts for removal of sludge


Part 9 : Final Waste Disposal Evaluation


(There are various options which can be taken when disposing of waste. It can be disposed of to:

- land, ponds/dams and or irrigation, groundwater, recharging of aquifers, surface water, estuaries or lagoons, sea, surf zone, deep sea pipeline, air- evaporation, municipal works or private contractor, contained area mined out areas (underground).


The waste disposal practice needs to be fully evaluated taking into account various norms and standards. lt is imperative that the practice is shown to have a minimal environmental impact and that the practice has the minimum effect on the health and interest of other water users in the environment.)



- ( number of days discharged, average m3 per day/maximum and peak, average m3 per year /maximum and peak)


9.2        Land disposal - ponds or dams


9.2.1Waste quality analyses (pH/ conductivity / sugaended solids (SS)/ COD/ NH/ NO/ Ortho phosphate (asP) /Feacalcoli)
9.2.2What is the waste quantity -daily volumes

- monthly volumes for each month

9.2.3What is the geology under- lying the dams
9.2.4What is the depth of the water table?
9.2.5What is the slope of the site
9.2.6What is the average monthly evaporation and rainfall

- monthly totals

9.2.7Calculate the positive/negative monthly evaporation rate using all the above information
9.2.8Calculate the size of the ponds required. Take into account the waste that was stored during months of negative evaporation rates.
9.2.9What is the situation of the dams with regard to?

(Rivers/boreholes/ use/yield/ quality/ springs/fountains/natural depressions/ urban areas /dwellings)

9.2.10ls the dam site protected from ingress of storm water
9.2.11What is the use of groundwater in the vicinity

(Domestic / agricultural/ industrial/ recreational/ environmental)

9.2.12Have the dams been sealed with

- plastic liners

- bentonite or other clay

9.2.13 Are there seepage collection drains and returns pumps
9.2.14Describe the leakage detection and monitoring systems in place
9.3Land disposal - Irrigation areas
9.3.1Waste quality analyses

(pH /conductivity /suspended solids (SS1COD / NH/ NO/ Ortho phosphate(asP)/Feacalcoii)

9.3.2        What is the waste quantity?

- daily volumes

- monthly total for each month

9.3.3What is the average monthly evaporation and rainfall?
9.3.4What is the crop to be irrigated
9.3.5What is the crop factor
9.3.6What type of irrigation method issued (flood or overhead ?) - how many overhead sprayers are in place

-how many days are in an irrigation cycle (attach an irrigation design layout and management plan)

9.3.7 What is the irrigation/application efficiency?
9.3.8Determine the monthly crop irrigation requirements
9.3.9hat is the permeability and infiltration rate of the soil profile
9.3.10What is the slope of the irrigation area
9.3.11What is the root depth of the soil
9.3.12What is the underlying geology
9.3.13Calculate the size of the irrigatíon area required. Take into account the irrigation of waste that was stored during months of negative evaporation rates
9.3.14What is the depth of the water table


9.3.15Quality of the groundwater (macro analyses - major anions and cations)
9.3.16SIope of the irrigation area
9.3.17Direction of groundwater flow
9.3.18Situation of the area with regard to:

(Rivers/boreholes' use/ yield/ quality / springs/fountains/natural depressions/urban areas/dwellings)

9.3.19 What is groundwater in the vicinity used for?

(Domestic / agricultural/ industrial/ recreational/ environmental)

9.3.20Are there environmental protection methods in place such as:

- stormwater cut-off trenches above the site

- cut-off canals below the site

9.3.21What soil amendments are done per season to sustain soil fertility and permeability
9.3.22Soil evaluation (analyses)


9.4Disposal to groundwater
9.4.1Waste volume
9.4.2Waste quality analyses

(pH/conductivity/supended solids(SS)/COD NH/NO/Ortho phosohate(asP)/Feacalcoli)

9.4.3Depth of groundwater
9.4.4Yield of groundwater (1000 m radius of disposal area)
9.4.5Quality of groundwater (macro analyses- major anions and cations)
9.4.6Potential use of groundwater

(domestic / agricultural/ stock watering/ irrigation/ industrial)

9.4.7Critical quality component


9.5Disposal to surfacewater
9.5.1Quantity of waste
9.5.2Annual discharge pattern
9.5.3Name of minor river catchment

- area of catchment, mean monthly run-off, quality of river upstream of discharge

9.5.4Waste quality analyses

(pH/ conductivity/suspended solids (SS)/COD/NH/NO/Ortho phosphafe(asP)/Feacalcoli)

9.5.5Established use of river

(domestic / agricultural/ industrial/ recreational/ environmental)

9.5.6Establish the applicable WQ Criteria
9.5.7Establish the critical components
9.5.8Name of major river catchment

(*Collect same information as for minor catchment)

9.5.9Qualityof minor catchment before discharge in to major catchment (analyses)
95.10Quality of major catchment river upstream of Minor River (analyses)
9.5.11Quality of major catchment river downstream of confluence of Minor River
9.5.12Mean monthly run -off of major catchment upstream of Minor River
9.5.13Describe the RWQO's for the total catchment
9.5.14Calculate Waste Load Allocations(WLA's)and the effect which the discharge will have on the REQO (Receiving Environmental Quality Objectives)


9.6Discharge to lagoon and estuary -This discharge could have an impact similar to surface or sea discharge. The questions related to surface discharge will be applicable.


9.7        Disposal by Evaporation


(Evaporation occurs within a process of because of excess heat, or in cooling towers or in specially designed dams where it is promoted. If evaporation is promoted by means of an evaporation pond system then the points that have to be addressed are the same as mentioned under section 9.2)


9.8Municipal or private waste purification plants other than works being evaluated)
9.8.1Name of the plant
9.8.2Name of the owner
9.8.3Address, telephone, and fax no. and name of contact person
9.8.4Registration number of works (if applicable
9.8.5Letters of acceptance of the waste by the owner of the works(attach a copy of the agreement for the delivery and acceptance of the waste)
9.8.6Purification plant compliance record
9.8.7Are there any quality acceptance limits in operation, e.g. Drainage by-laws
9.8.8Are there any critical components in the raw waste (identify)
9.8.9Effect of acceptance of the raw waste on the compliance record of the purification plant

(Indicate on a plan-onal :50000 -map)


Sewage treatment works

- municipal(Iocal authority)

- other

- describe



- agriculture/ industrial/ municipal/ other



- dams/ponds/evaporation

- irrigation only

- dams/ponds/irrigation


stormwater drains

- name of nearest water course



- name

- name of greater catchment river



- name of estuary Sea

- name of neared town or beach


Disposal to solid waste disposal site

- name


Groundwater (recharge)

- name of nearest user

- name of farm or district


Part 10 : Recommendations from other Interested Parties (To be submitted with the application)


10.1        Department of National Health

10.2        Department of Environmental Affairs

10.3        South African Bureau of Standards

10.4        Nature Conservation Bodies

10.5        Regional Government Institutions

10.6        Local Government Institutions

10.7        Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

10.8        Department of Mineral Resources

10.9        Department of Energy

10.10        Other specialists

10.11        Non- governmental Organisations

10.12        Interested and Affected Parties

10.13        Public Participation




Part 11

11.1        Summary of the scheme

11.1.1        Background

11.1.2        Design/scheme layout

11.1.2        Levels of service

11.2        Population projections for a period of 20 years

11.3        Water resource and water availability

11.4        Existing uses

11.5        Water Demand analysis

11.6        Type of reticulation




Part 12 : Conclusion


The conclusion should contain a concise request for the licence required and should include accurately completed licence application forms *obtainable from the Responsible authority.


*NOTE in order for the DWS to expedite the application in a shorter time as possible the correct information is essential.


Part 13 : References and Supporting Documents


(References to backup the information supplied will be added as annexures under this section, e.g):

12.1        Geohydrological Report

12.2        Civil Design Report