National Water Act, 1998 (Act No. 36 of 1998)

A Pricing Strategy For Raw Water Use Charges

7. Application of Pricing Strategy to Different Categories of Water Use/User Sectors

7.1 Discharge of Waste

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Discharging of waste or water containing waste into a water resource is also defined in terms of section 56(5) of the Act as a water use for which charges can be imposed. It is the DWAF’s intention to develop and implement a waste discharge pricing system which will be based on the "polluter pays principle" (PPP) to provide economic incentives to reduce water pollution to the level with the least cost to society as a whole.


The waste discharge pricing strategy will form part of the introduction of charges for achieving the equitable and efficient allocation of water in terms of section 56(2)(c) of the Act and will be separate from the water resource management charge in respect of water quality management.


A separate project was initiated in 1999 to develop the pricing strategy for waste discharges. It will include the determination of future charges for point and diffuse sources of pollution, based on the "polluter pays principle". This will include measures to internalise the cost of water pollution, as well as economic incentives and disincentives to promote the reduction of waste discharge. The pricing strategy in this regard will be developed and published for public comment in due course.