Part 9 : Review and renewal of licences, and amendment and substitution of conditions of licences

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This Part deals with the review and renewal of licences, and the amendment and substitution of their conditions. Review of a licence is by the relevant responsible authority, at periods stipulated in the licence as part of a general review process.


A review of a licence may lead to the amendment or substitution of its conditions, but only if certain requirements are satisfied.If the amendment or substitution of conditions severely prejudices the economic viability of any undertaking in respect of which the licence was issued there is a claim for compensation. Minor amendments to licences (for instance, to correct clerical mistakes, or changes in format), and those agreed to by the licensee may be made outside of the review process. In addition, a licensee may apply to the responsible authority for the renewal or amendment of a licence before it expires. In considering such applications the responsible authority must again consider the matters dealt with in the initial application, and there are limitations to the new conditions to which the licence may be subjected.


49. Review and amendment of licences

50. Formal amendment of licences

51. Successors-in-title

52. Procedure for earlier renewal or amendment of licences