Chapter 1 : Interpretation and Fundamental Principles

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This Chapter sets out the fundamental principles of the Act. Sustainability and equity are identified as central guiding principles in the protection, use, development, conservation, management and control of water resources. These guiding principles recognise the basic human needs of present and future generations, the need to protect water resources, the need to share some water resources with other countries, the need to promote social and economic development through the use of water and the need to establish suitable institutions in order to a thieve the purpose of the Act.


National Government, acting through the Minister, is responsible for the achievement of these fundamental principles in accordance with the Constitutional mandate for water reform. Being empowered to act on behalf of the nation, the Minister has the ultimate responsibility to fulfil certain obligations relating to the use, allocation and protection of and access to water resources.


This Chapter also contains definitions explaining the meaning of certain words used in the Act as well as provisions regarding the interpretation of the Act.


1. Definitions and interpretation

2. Purpose of Act

3. Public trusteeship of nation's water resources

4. Entitlement to water use