Merchant Shipping Act, 1951 (Act No. 57 of 1951)


Second Schedule

Protocol of 1978 Relating to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974


Chapter VI : Carriage of Grain

Part A — General Provisions

Regulation 11 : Grain loading information

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This information shall be sufficient to allow the master to determine in all reasonable loading conditions the heeling moments due to grain shift calculated in accordance with Part B of this Chapter. It shall include the following:

(a)Information which shall be approved by the Administration or by a Contracting Government on behalf of the Administration:
(i)Curves or tables of grain heeling moments for every compartment, filled or partly filled, or combination thereof, including the effects of temporary fittings;
(ii)tables of maximum permissible heeling moments or other information sufficient to allow the master to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of paragraph (c) of Regulation 4 of this Chapter;
(iii)details of the scantlings of any temporary fittings and where applicable the provisions necessary to meet the requirements of Section I(E) of Part C of this Chapter;
(iv)typical loaded service departure and arrival conditions and where necessary, intermediate worst service conditions;
(v)a worked example for the guidance of the master;
(vi)loading instructions in the form of notes summarizing the requirements of this Chapter.
(b)Information which shall be acceptable to the Administration or to a Contracting Government on behalf of the Administration:
(i)Ship’s particulars;
(ii)lightship displacement and the vertical distance from the intersection of the moulded base line and midship section to the centre of gravity (KG);
(iii)table of free surface corrections;
(iv)capacities and centres of gravity.