Meat Safety Act, 2000 (Act No. 40 of 2000)

Red Meat Regulations, 2004

Part VI : Meat Inspections [Section 11(1)(j)]

B. Primary meat inspections

(2) Sheep and goats

94. Inspection of sheep and goat red offal

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When inspecting the red offal, the registered inspector must inspect -

a)the surface of the visceral pleura, by observation;
b)the liver, by palpation and incisions into the gastric surface and the base of the caudate lobe to open the bile ducts;
c)the hepatic lymph nodes, by multiple incisions into the Ln. hepaticus;
d)the lungs, oesophagus and trachea, by observation and palpation;
e)the Lnn bronchiales and Lnn mediastinales, by observation and palpation;
f)the pericardium and the heart, by an incision made lengthwise to open the ventricles;
g)the spleen, by observation and if necessary palpation;
h)both sides of the diaphragm, by observation; and
i)the testes, by observation.