Meat Safety Act, 2000 (Act No. 40 of 2000)

Ostrich Regulations, 2007

Part II : Requirements for the Registration of Ostrich Abattoirs

C. Hygiene management practises and related matters

(2) Cutting procedures at cutting plants producing for the export market

35. General

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[See also regulation 7]


1)Only carcasses or meat that was inspected and passed may be presented for cutting.


2)If carcasses or meat is received from a source other than the abattoir on the premises, the registered inspector must verify that -
a)documentation pertaining to the origin of such meat is available;
b)meat inspection was done on such meat and that it was passed; and
c)the cold chain was maintained and that the meat core temperature is 7°C or less.


3)All meat presented for cutting must be free of contamination.


4)No meat that exhibits signs of spoilage may be cut.


5)A registered inspector may at any time require any packed meat to be re-opened for inspection, and may authorize the resealing of any such opened container or carton with meat.


6)A linear production flow must be followed by avoiding cross flow, backtracking and accumulation or congestion of meat at any stage of the production process.