Meat Safety Act, 2000 (Act No. 40 of 2000)


Establishment of the Meat Inspection Scheme

16. Roles of Different Meat Inspection Personnel at Abbattoirs

16.2 Red Meat and Farmed Ostriches Abattoirs

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(a) Meat Examiner
(i) Conduct primary meat inspection of carcasses and offal.

In addition to the core duties of a meat examiner as described above, additional duties for a meat examiner may extend to the following in agreement with the PEO:

(i) Monitoring of the dispatch processes.
(ii) Monitoring of the handling of condemned material until safe disposal.
(iii) The NEO/PEO may authorize a meat examiner to perform meat examination (antemortem and primary meat inspection) in the absence of a Meat lnspector NPHO at a rural abattoir. In this case the NEO/PEO must set up the necessary monitoring (carried out either by the NEO/PEO or an assignee) and reporting systems to ensure that meat safety and abattoir hygiene are maintained. A meat examiner such authorized must receive additional training and continuous professional development to be able to manage all aspects necessary to ensure that the meat and products released from the abattoir are safe for human consumption.


(b) Meat Inspector
(i) A meat inspector may perform any of the duties of a meat examiner.
(ii) Conduct ante-mortem inspection of slaughter animals. Training of meat inspectors in animal behavior must be included in the scope of training or as additional in-service training
(iii) Prepare and submit to the PEO a monthly report on the meat inspection service, including slaughter statistics, as well as any non-conformances which require immediate intervention.
(iv) Regulatory control including verification of the abattoir hygiene management system The functions of a meat inspector may be carried out by an animal health technician (AHT) provided that he/she has acquired additional training in meat examination to carry out primary meat examination


(c) Veterinarian
(i) A veterinarian may perform any of the functions of a meat inspector
(ii) Conduct ante-mortem inspection of animals that have been deemed not fit for slaughter by the meat inspector/examiner
(iii) Conduct secondary meat inspection on all carcasses detained by the meat inspector/examiner, all carcasses of animals that had been referred by the meat inspector/examiner for veterinary ante-mortem inspection, and all carcasses that underwent emergency slaughtering.
(iv) Prepare and submit to the PEO a report on the meat inspection service(s) conducted.
(v) Prepare and report on secondary meat inspection services to the owner of an animal or the abattoir owner.
(vi) Verification of the abattoir hygiene management system.


The veterinarian may engage any personnel in the abattoir for assistance with the performance of his/her responsibilities.