Matrimonial Property Act, 1984 (Act No. 88 of 1984)

Chapter II : Abolition of Marital Power

11. Abolition of marital power

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(1)The common law rule in terms of which a husband obtains the marital power over the person and property of his wife is hereby repealed.


(2)Any marital power which a husband has over the person and property of his wife immediately prior to the date of coming into operation of this subsection, is hereby abolished.


(3)The provisions of Chapter III shall apply to every marriage in community of property irrespective of the date on which such marriage was entered into.


(4)The abolition of the marital power by subsection (2) shall not affect the legal consequences of any act done or omission or fact existing before such abolition.


[Section 11 substituted by section 29 of Act No. 132 of 1993]