Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)


Main Collective Agreement

Bargaining Council for the Civil Engineering Industry

Extension of Construction Industry Retirement Benefit Fund Collective Agreement to Non-parties

9. Exemptions

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9.1 Any person bound by this Agreement may apply to the BCCEI for an exemption from any provision of this agreement.


9.2 Any person affected by the BCCEI decision on the application may lodge an appeal against the decision to the Independent Appeal Board.

[Section 9(9.1) and (9.2) substituted by Notice No. R.1412, GG42813, dated 1 November 2019]


9.3 Applications for Exemptions and/or Appeals must be dealt with in terms of the guidelines set out in the Exemptions Collective Agreement.

[Section 9(9.3) inserted by Notice No. R.1412, GG42813, dated 1 November 2019]