Genetically Modified Organisms Act, 1997 (Act No. 15 of 1997)


Genetically Modified Organisms Regulations, 2010

9. Public notification of proposed release or commodity clearance of genetically modified organisms

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(1)Public notification shall be in the form of a notice published in the printed media informing the public of the application.


(2)For a proposed general or commodity release the applicant shall publish the notice in at least three national newspapers and for a proposed trial release in at least two (2) newspapers circulating in the immediate area and one (1) newspapers circulating nationally.


(3)Where no newspapers circulate in the immediate area in which the proposed trial release will take place, the applicant shall inform the public through other means of effective communication. Where notification via other means of effective communication was undertaken, record of such proceedings must be provided to the Registrar as proof.


(4)The applicant shall submit one hard copy and one electronic copy of the notice referred to in sub-regulation (2) to the registrar within seven (7) days from the date that the notice was published.


(5)The notice referred to in sub-regulation (2) shall contain at least the following details:
(a)full name and address of the applicant;
(b)objective of the application;
(c)a general description of the genetically modified organisms, including the name of the donor organism, recipient organism (if different) and inserted genes e.g. novel trait and marker genes (if present);
(d)where appropriate a description of the place of release, including the name of the town, the size of the release and information pertaining to the surrounding environment;
(e)information on how to access a copy of the application;
(f)a request that interested parties submit comments or objections in connection with the application within a period specified in the notice: Provided that such period shall not be less than thirty (30) days after the date on which the last notice appears in the media; and
(g)the address of the registrar to which comments or objections may be submitted.


(6)The registrar shall refer any comments received within the time period referred to in sub-regulation (5)(f) from interested parties to the Council.


(7)The registrar may take any other measure to notify interested parties of applications made in terms of this regulation and invite written comments from such parties.


(8)The provisions of regulation 9 do not apply to applications made in respect of genetically modified organisms aimed at addressing, preventing and combating the spread of a pandemic in an instance where a national state of disaster has been declared.

[Regulation 9(8) inserted by Notice No. 55, GG44115, dated 28 January 2021]