Genetically Modified Organisms Act, 1997 (Act No. 15 of 1997)


Genetically Modified Organisms Regulations, 2010

12. Matters concerning the Biosafety Clearing House

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The Registrar shall communicate the following information to the Biosafety Clearing House:

(a)The Act and accompanied Regulations,
(b)Any guidelines developed in accordance with section 5(2)(f) of the Act,
(c)Any agreement or arrangement entered into under section 5(1)(k) of the Act,
(d)Summary of the science-based risk assessment according to the format determined by the registrar
(e)Final decisions regarding the—
(i)importation and trial release of a genetically modified organism,
(ii)transit of a specific genetically modified organism,
(iii)use of a genetically modified organism as food, feed or for processing
(iv)conditional general release or general release of a genetically modified organism
(f)The reconsideration of any decision in accordance with section 5(2)(g) of the Act;
(g)Simplified procedures regarding the intentional transboundary movement of a genetically modified organism, as approved by the Council.
(h)Notice of an unintentional transboundary movement, as provided for in regulation 10(4).
(i)Notice of an illegal transboundary movement