Genetically Modified Organisms Amendment Act, 2006 (Act No. 23 of 2006)


Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on Biological Diversity

Annex II : Information required concerning living modified organisms intended for direct use as food or feed or for processing under Article 11

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(a)The name and contact details of the applicant for a decision for domestic use.
(b)The name and contact details of the authority responsible for the decision.
(c)Name and identity of the living modified organism.
(d)Description of the gene modification, the technique used, and the resulting characteristics of the living modified organism.
(e)Any unique identification or the living modified organism.
(f)Taxonomic status, common name, point of collection or acquisition, and characteristics of recipient organism or parental organisms related to biosafety.
(g)Centres of origin and centres or genetic diversity, if known, of the recipient organism and/or any parental organisms and a description of the habitats where the organisms may persist or proliferate.
(h)Taxonomic status, common name, point of collection or acquisition and Characteristics of the donor organism or organisms related to biosafety.
(i)Approved uses of the living modified organism.
(j)A risk assessment report consistent with Annex III
(k)Suggested methods for the safe handling, storage, transport and use, including packaging, Iabelling, documentation, disposal and contingency procedures, where appropriate.