Genetically Modified Organisms Amendment Act, 2006 (Act No. 23 of 2006)AnnexureCartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on Biological DiversityAnnex II : Information required concerning living modified organisms intended for direct use as food or feed or for processing under Article 11 |
(a) | The name and contact details of the applicant for a decision for domestic use. |
(b) | The name and contact details of the authority responsible for the decision. |
(c) | Name and identity of the living modified organism. |
(d) | Description of the gene modification, the technique used, and the resulting characteristics of the living modified organism. |
(e) | Any unique identification or the living modified organism. |
(f) | Taxonomic status, common name, point of collection or acquisition, and characteristics of recipient organism or parental organisms related to biosafety. |
(g) | Centres of origin and centres or genetic diversity, if known, of the recipient organism and/or any parental organisms and a description of the habitats where the organisms may persist or proliferate. |
(h) | Taxonomic status, common name, point of collection or acquisition and Characteristics of the donor organism or organisms related to biosafety. |
(i) | Approved uses of the living modified organism. |
(j) | A risk assessment report consistent with Annex III |
(k) | Suggested methods for the safe handling, storage, transport and use, including packaging, Iabelling, documentation, disposal and contingency procedures, where appropriate. |