Employment Tax Incentive Act, 2013 (Act No. 26 of 2013)


Section 13

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(Section 13)


No. and year

Short title

Extent of amendment

Act No. 58 of 1962

Income Tax Act, 1962

1.            Section 10 of the Income Tax Act is hereby amended by the insertion in subsection (1) after paragraph (r) of the following paragraph:

‘‘(s) any amount by which the employees’ tax as defined in section 1 of the Employment Tax Incentive Act, 2013, payable by an employer as contemplated in section 3 of that Act is reduced in terms of section 2(2) of that Act or paid in terms of section 10 of that Act;’’.


2.            Paragraph 2 of the Fourth Schedule to the Income Tax Act is hereby amended—

(a)          by the substitution in subparagraph (1) for the words following item (b) of the following words:

‘‘(whether or not registered as an employer under paragraph 15) who pays or becomes liable to pay any amount by way of remuneration to any employee shall, unless the Commissioner has granted authority to the contrary, deduct or withhold from that amount, or, where that amount constitutes any lump sum contemplated in paragraph 2(1)(b) of the Second Schedule, deduct from the employees benefit or minimum individual reserve as contemplated in that paragraph, by way of employees’ tax an amount which shall be determined as provided in paragraph 9, 10, 11 or 12, whichever is applicable, in respect of the liability for normal tax of that employee, or, if such remuneration is paid or payable to an employee who is married and such remuneration is under the provisions of section 7(2) of this Act deemed to be income of the employee’s spouse, in respect of such liability of that spouse, and shall, subject to the Employment Tax Incentive Act, 2013, pay the amount so deducted or withheld to the Commissioner within seven days after the end of the month during which the amount was deducted or withheld, or in the case of a person who ceases to be an employer before the end of such month, within seven days after the day on which that person ceased to be an employer, or in either case within such further period as the Commissioner may approve.’’; and

(b)          by the insertion after subparagraph (2) of the following subparagraph:

‘‘(2A) An employer may deduct the amount of the employment tax incentive for which the employer is eligible in terms of the Employment Tax Incentive Act, 2013, from the amount of the employees’ tax to be paid to the Commissioner by that employer in terms of subparagraph (1), unless section 8 of that Act applies.’’.


Act No. 34 of 1997

South African Revenue

Service Act, 1997

1.            Schedule 1 to the South African Revenue Service Act, 1997, is hereby amended by the insertion after item 19 of the following item:


‘‘19A. Employment Tax Incentive Act, 2013.’’.


Act No. 28 of 2011

Tax Administration

Act, 2011

1.            Section 70 of the Tax Administration Act is hereby amended by the addition to subsection (2) after paragraph (e) of the following paragraph:

‘‘(f) the Department of Labour, the name and contact details of all employers registered for employees’ tax and eligible to receive the employment tax incentive in terms of section 2 of the Employment Tax Incentive Act, 2013.’’.