Correctional Services Act, 1998 (Act No. 111 of 1998)

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Notice No. 1543 of 1998


I. Definitions

II. Introduction

III. Custody of all Inmates under Conditions of Human Dignity

IV. Sentenced Offenders

V. Management, Safe Custody and Well-being of Remand Detainees

VI. Community Corrections

VII. Release from a Correctional Centre and Placement under Correctional Supervision and on Day Parole and Parole

VIII. National Council for Correctional Services

IX. The Judicial Inspectorate for Correctional Services

X. Independent Sentenced Offender Visitors

XI. Compliance Management

XII. Officials of the Department

XIII. General Powers of Enforcement

XIV. Public-Private Partnership Correctional Centres

XV. Offences

XVI. General
