Civil Aviation Act, 2009 (Act No. 13 of 2009)


Civil Aviation Regulations, 2011

Part 121 : Air Transport Operations - Carriage on Aeroplanes of more than 19 Passengers or Cargo

Subpart 3 : Training and Checking

Division Three : Training of cabin crew members

121.03.5 Aeroplane type and differences training

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(1)A cabin crew member shall complete a type training course when—
(a)employed by the operator as a cabin crew member; or
(b)assigned to act as a cabin crew member on another aeroplane type.


(2)The operator shall ensure that each cabin crew member successfully completes the initial aeroplane type training as prescribed in Document SA-CATS 121 before undertaking flight operations with the operator.


(3)A cabin crew member shall complete a differences training course when acting as a cabin crew member—
(a)in a variant of the current aeroplane type; or
(b)in an aeroplane type with equipment, equipment location or safety procedures which differ from the current aeroplane type or variant.