Civil Aviation Act, 2009 (Act No. 13 of 2009)


Civil Aviation Regulations, 2011

Part 92 : Conveyance of Dangerous Goods

Subpart 1 : General

92.01.12 Packing and packaging

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(1) A shipper shall ensure that dangerous goods prepared or offered for conveyance by air, are packed in accordance with the provisions of this Part and the requirements as prescribed in Document SA-CATS 92.


(2) A shipper shall ensure that the packaging used for the conveyance of dangerous goods by air—
(a) is manufactured, marked, maintained, reconditioned, and repaired as prescribed in Document SA-CATS 92;
(b) is tested by a State authorised testing facility with a valid package performance test certificate; and
(c) is, at the time of use, of good quality and securely closed to prevent leakage that may be caused by changes in temperature, humidity, pressure or vibration under normal conditions of conveyance by air.


(3) A shipper of dangerous goods shall ensure that inner packaging is cushioned, packed, and secured to prevent breakage or leakage and to control movement within the outer packaging during normal conditions of conveyance by air.


(4) A shipper of goods to be conveyed on an aircraft shall ensure that packaging which will be in direct contact with dangerous goods—
(a) is resistant to chemical or other reaction with such goods and cushioning; and
(b) that absorbent materials do not react dangerously with the contents of the receptacles.


(5) A shipper of goods to be conveyed on an aircraft shall ensure that packaging for which retention of a liquid is a basic function, is capable of withstanding pressure fluctuation, without leaking, as prescribed in Document SA-CATS 92.


(6) A receptacle used for the conveyance of dangerous goods by air shall not be re-used by a shipper until it has been inspected by such shipper and found free from corrosion or other damage.


(7) If a receptacle, used for the conveyance of dangerous goods by air, is reused by a shipper, measures shall be taken to prevent contamination of subsequent dangerous goods conveyed therein.


(8) If an uncleaned empty receptacle due to the nature of its former contents may cause a hazard, a shipper shall ensure that such receptacle is tightly closed and treated according to the hazard that they constitute.


(9) A shipper of dangerous goods shall ensure that no harmful quantity of any dangerous substance adheres to the outside of a package.


[Regulation 92.01.12 substituted by regulation 12 of Notice No. R. 3170, GG48228, dated 17 March 2023 (Twenty-Sixth Amendment of the Civil Aviation Regulations, 2023)]