Civil Aviation Act, 2009 (Act No. 13 of 2009)


Civil Aviation Regulations, 2011

Part 91 : General Aviation and Operating Flight Rules

Subpart 5 : Communication and Navigation

91.05.2 Navigation equipment

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(1)A person shall not operate an aircraft unless such aircraft is equipped with navigation equipment enabling it to proceed in accordance with its flight plan, including approaches at a planned destination or any alternate aerodrome, and the appropriate ATS requirements: Provided that the provisions of this regulation shall not apply to a flight operated in accordance with VFR, if such flight can be accomplished by visual reference to landmarks.


(2)For the purposes of a helicopter, the landmarks referred to in subregulation (1) shall be no further apart than 60 nautical miles.


(3)An aircraft operated within a South African airspace shall be equipped as prescribed in Document SA-CATS 91 and with sufficient navigation equipment to ensure that in the event of a failure of one item of equipment at any stage of a flight, a remaining equipment enables such aircraft to proceed with such flight.


(4)A navigation equipment referred to in subrequlation (3) shall be installed in such a way that a failure of any single unit required for either navigation or communication purpose or both will not result in a failure of another unit required for navigation or communication purpose.


(5)An aircraft and aircraft navigation system operating in accordance with RNP requirements shall be approved by the Director for operation on the applicable RNP routing and in RNP designated airspace


(6)A person shall not operate an aircraft in an airspace where minimum navigation performance or PBN specifications apply, unless such aircraft is equipped with navigation equipment that meets the performance specifications as prescribed in Document SA-CATS 91.


(7)If an aircraft is required to be operated by  two pilots, a navigation equipment referred to in subregulation (3) shall be visible and usable by each pilot seated at his or her duty station.


(8) A person may not use inertial navigation or reference systems for navigation unless approved under Part 93, 121, 127 or 135, as may be applicable.


(9)A person may not operate an aircraft under IFR using any system required for navigation unless such system is maintained, checked and inspected under a procedure approved in terms of this Part.


(10)A person shall not use a navigation system based on electronic data unless—
(a)procedures are implemented that ensure the timely distribution and insertion of current and unaltered electronic navigation data to all aircraft that require it;
(b)the source of the data is—
(i)a manufacturer of an aircraft concerned;
(ii)a manufacturer of a concerned navigation system; or
(iii)a supplier approved by the Director or a manufacturer of a concerned  aircraft or navigation system; and
(c)procedures are implemented to verify the accuracy and validity of the data received.


[Regulation 91.05.2 substituted by regulation 21(k) of Notice No. R.1503, GG45491, dated 15 November 2021 (Twenty-First Amendment of the Civil Aviation Regulations, 2021)]