Civil Aviation Act, 2009 (Act No. 13 of 2009)


Civil Aviation Regulations, 2011

Part 65  : Air Traffic Service Personnel Licensing

Subpart 2  : Air Traffic Service Licence

65.02.7 Privileges

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The holder of a valid air traffic service licence shall be entitled to—

(a) provide the air traffic service at the ATSU for which the rating held by him or her is validated, in accordance with the requirements and standards as prescribed in Document SA-CATS 65;
(b) act as an air traffic service instructor (operational) if he or she is suitably rated; and
(c) act as a validation examiner if he or she is—
(i) designated by the Director in terms of regulation 65.01.9 to act as such; and
(ii) in possession of a Grade One air traffic service instructor (operational) rating;
(d) act as an air traffic service instructor (training organisation) if he or she holds the appropriate certificate;
(e) act as a rating assessment examiner if he or she is—
(i) designated by the Director in terms of regulation 65.01.9 to act as such; and
(ii) in possession of a Grade One air traffic service instructor (training organisation) certificate.