Civil Aviation Act, 2009 (Act No. 13 of 2009)


Civil Aviation Regulations, 2011

Part 62  : National Pilot Licensing

Subpart 7  : Requirements for the Issue of a Category, Class or Add-on Rating for Hang-Gliders

62.07.5 Skills test

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(1) An applicant for the issuing of any of the class ratings or add-on ratings referred to in regulation 62.07.1(1) in the category hang-glider, shall have demonstrated to the holder of a hang-glider flight instructor rating, the ability to perform as PIC of the hang-glider, the procedures and manoeuvres as prescribed in Document SA-CATS 62 with a degree of competency appropriate to the privileges granted to the holder of a national pilot licence who is the holder of the respective class or add-on rating.


(2) The applicant shall undergo the skill test referred to in subregulation (1) within 90 days of passing the theoretical knowledge examination referred to in regulation 62.07.3 and within the 60 days immediately preceding the date of application.