Civil Aviation Act, 2009 (Act No. 13 of 2009)


Civil Aviation Regulations, 2011

Part 61 : Pilot Licensing

Subpart 9 : Class and Type Ratings

61.09.6 Skills test

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(1)An applicant for a type rating or class rating must have passed a skills test in an aircraft or in an FSTD approved for the purpose, as prescribed in Document SA-CATS 61.


(2)Skills test for a type rating and a multi-engine class rating shall be conducted by a DFE or the examiner of a foreign training organisation as specified in this Subpart.


(3)Skills test referred to in subregulation (2) shall be completed within 90 days of having passed the theoretical knowledge examinations referred to in this Subpart.


(4)The examiner shall, on satisfactory completion of all the requirements for the issue of a class or type rating, endorse the logbook of the applicant, as specified in Document SA-CATS 61.



(a)When the skills test for a multi-engine class rating is conducted in a multi-engine aeroplane with centre line thrust, the multi-engine class rating endorsement will be restricted to centre line thrust aeroplanes.
(b)The restriction will be removed from the licence after completion of sufficient training and after having passed a skills test in a non-centre line thrust multi-engine aeroplane or FSTD approved for the purpose and upon submission of a notification of aircraft differences or familiarisation training form.
(c)Sufficient training shall be at least equal to the initial training for the multi-engine aeroplane class rating.