(1) | An applicant for an ATPL (Helicopter) must— |
(a) | be not less than 21 years of age; |
(b) | hold a valid Class 1 medical certificate, issued in terms of Part 67; |
(c) | produce evidence of holding or having held, within the previous 60 months, a Night Rating and one the following— |
(i) | a South African PPL or CPL (Helicopter); or |
(ii) | a pilot licence (Helicopter) issued by a Contracting State; or |
(iii) | a SPL where the applicant has completed an integrated training course approved by the Director; |
(d) | [Regulation 61.08.1(d) substituted by regulation 7(e) of Notice No. R. 783, GG 39151, dated 1 September 2015 (Ninth Amendment of the Civil Aviation Regulations, 2015)]; |
(e) | have passed the theoretical knowledge examination as prescribed in Document SA-CATS 61; and |
(f) | have passed the skills test referred to in regulation 61.08.4. |
(2) | An applicant for an ATPL(H) must have completed not less than 1 500 hours of flight time in helicopters, which must include— |
(a) | 250 hours as PIC, of which a maximum to 70 hours may be PICUS; |
(b) | 200 hours cross-country flight time, of which 100 hours may be as co-pilot or PICUS; |
(c) | 30 hours instrument flight instruction time, of which no more than 10 hours were acquired in a helicopter FSTD approved for the purpose by the Director, during the six months immediately preceding the date of application if he or she is not the holder of an instrument rating; and |
(d) | 50 hours night flight time as PIC or as co-pilot. |
(3) | The 1 500 hours flying experience prescribed in subregulation (2) may comprise flight time in any of the following capacities— |
(a) | as PIC, counted in full; |
(b) | as pilot under instruction (dual), counted in full; |
(c) | as co-pilot performing under the supervision of the PIC the functions and duties of the PIC, counted in full; |
(d) | as co-pilot, counted in full; |
(e) | as student PIC, counted in full up to a maximum of 30 hours towards a PIC time required for the issue of an ATPL(H); and |
(f) aA maximum of 100 hours may have been completed in an approved FSTD of which a maximum of 25 hours may have been completed in an FNPT;
(4) | A maximum of 750 hours of the 1 500 hours required in terms of subregulation (2) may be completed in an aeroplane. |
(5) | A South African Air Force pilot may apply to be accredited with theoretical knowledge examination and flight time in terms of regulation 61.01.9(23). |
[Regulation 61.08.1 substituted by regulation 11(s) of Notice No. R.1503, GG45491, dated 16 November 2021 (Twenty-First Amendment of the Civil Aviation Regulations, 2021) - Page 45 of this PDF is missing - Regulation 61.08.1(1)(a)-(d) not amended]