Civil Aviation Act, 2009 (Act No. 13 of 2009)


Civil Aviation Regulations, 2011

Part 21 : Certification Procedures for Products and Parts

Subpart 2 : Type Certificates

21.02.11 Transferability

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(1)If a holder of a type certificate desires to transfer a type certificate to another design organisation such holder shall make an application to the Director in a prescribed form 30 days before the required date of transfer.


(2)An application  referred to in subrequlation (1)shall be accompanied by:
(a)certified copy of a type certificate concerned:
(b)appropriate fee as prescribed in Part 187;  and
(c)proof that a design organisation to which a type certificate is to be transferred has the necessary skills and resources to maintain such type certificate.


(3)In considering an application. the Director may conduct such investigation as is deemed necessary to determine whether—
(a)the design requirements  of a Class I product shall be complied with; and
(b)a design authority shall be able to meet the appropriate airworthiness requirements in terms of these regulations.


(4)The Director may approve an application for the transfer of a type certificate with such  conditions as he or she  may deem necessary if the requirements for transfer as set out in Document SA-CATS 21 are met.


(5)The Director may amend a type certificate upon request by a holder thereof if satisfied that the requirements of these regulations are met.


(6)The Director shall notify all Contracting States of a transfer of a type design and the relevant details of an organisation assumin g responsibility for a type design and the requirements for continuing airworthiness  reporting.


[Regulation 21.02.11 substituted by regulation 5(c) of Notice No. R. 3169, GG 48228, dated 17 March 2023 (Twenty-Fifth Amendment of the Civil Aviation Regulations, 2023)]