Civil Aviation Act, 2009 (Act No. 13 of 2009)


Civil Aviation Regulations, 2011

Part 174 : Meteorological Information Services

Subpart 1 : General

174.01.4 Supply and use meteorological information

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(1)The meteorological service provider shall supply meteorological information to meteorological information users referred to in regulation 174.01. 1 in order to fulfil their respective mandates and develop air navigation systems.


(2)The meteorological information referred to i n subregulation (1) shall be used—
(a)during pre-flight planning by air service operator;
(b)during in-flight re-planning by air service operator using centralised operational control of flight operations;
(c)by flight crew members before departure;
(d)by aircraft in flight; and
(e)by ATSUs providing flexible routing options as an element of trajectory management.


(3)Meteorological information supplied in accordance with subregulation (1) shall be understood by users to be—
(a)the best approximation of the actual conditions at the time of observation; and
(b)the most probable value which the meteorological element is likely to assume during the period of the forecast.


(4) The time of occurrence or change of an element as given in a forecast shall be understood by users to be the most probable time when the phenomenon is likely to occur.


[Regulation 174.01.4 substituted by regulation 8(d) of Notice No. 5008, GG50880, dated 28 June 2024 (Twenty-Ninth Amendment of the Civil Aviation Regulations, 2024)]