Civil Aviation Act, 2009 (Act No. 13 of 2009)


Civil Aviation Regulations, 2011

Part 173 : Flight Procedure Design

Subpart 1 : General

173.01.9 Facilities and equipment

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(1)The applicant shall satisfy the Director that it has facilities and equipment necessary to perform adequately the approved scope of flight procedure design, including—
(a)providing premises and equipment appropriate for the applicant's personnel to perform flight procedure design taking into account the critical effect that human factors can have on the quality of the work of the personnel; and
(b)ensuring that those employees have access to all necessary data for designing flight procedures including but not limited to—
(i)accurate and current databases or charts detailing terrain and obstacle information; and
(ii)accurate and current navigation aid coordinate data; and
(iii)accurate and current aerodrome survey data.


(2)The applicant shall, if an aeronautical database and aeronautical data is utilised for designing flight procedures, have, and put into effect, procedures as prescribed in Document SA-CATS 173 and approved by the Director to ensure the integrity of the database and the data.