Civil Aviation Act, 2009 (Act No. 13 of 2009)


Civil Aviation Regulations, 2011

Part 138 : Air Ambulance Operations

Subpart 5 : Instruments and Equipment

138.05.6 Oxygen and other gas cylinders

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(1)If an aircraft engaged in an air ambulance operation is equipped with gas cylinders for medical purposes, the cylinders shall—
(a)be carried in accordance with the provisions of Part 92; and
(b)if the cylinders are inside the cabin, be positioned in such a way that no part of the fitment constitutes a hazard to any person inside the cabin, the pressure gauges are fitted and visible for use, and shut-off and change-over valves are readily accessible; or
(c)if the cylinders are positioned outside the cabin, be positioned in such a way that the in-line pressure gauges are visible for use and shut-off and change-over valves are installed inside the cabin.


(2)All portable gas cylinders shall be properly secured with approved devices during flight.


(3)All gas outlets shall be clearly marked for identification as to their function and gas supplied in accordance with the applicable SABS (South African Bureau of Standards) Code of Practice.


(4)All oxygen and medical gas cylinders used in an air ambulance operation—
(a)shall have an annual visual and a five-yearly hydrostatic inspection by a testing facility approved for the purpose by the Department of Labour;
(b)shall be marked with a sticker denoting approval for "return to service" and "next service due" date, which sticker shall be clearly visible to flight crew and medical personnel;
(c)shall, where applicable, bear a stamp of approval from an appropriately approved provider which stamp shall be clearly visible on each cylinder and certifying such cylinder as being approved.


(5)All oxygen and medical gas cylinders fixed in an air ambulance aircraft shall be maintained as per the manufacturer's specifications.