Civil Aviation Act, 2009 (Act No. 13 of 2009)


Civil Aviation Regulations, 2011

Part 138 : Air Ambulance Operations

Subpart 3 : Training

138.03.1 Training of flight crew, medical personnel and operations personnel

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(1)The owner or operator of an aircraft engaged in an air ambulance operation shall ensure that each flight crew member, medical personnel member or operations personnel member, assigned to an air ambulance operation, has successfully completed the initial or recurrent training, as the case may be, as prescribed in Document SA-CATS 138.


(2)Notwithstanding the provisions of subregulation (1), a medical specialist who is not trained in accordance with these regulations may be taken on a specific air ambulance operation, in addition to the regular medical personnel, for the benefit of the patient.


(3)The operator shall ensure that all flight crew members, medical personnel or operations personnel, as the case may be, who have not completed the training as referred to in subregulation (1), shall have a standard safety briefing pertaining to the aircraft to be used for the operation.


(4)The owner or operator of an air ambulance operation shall ensure that no flight crew member, medical personnel or operations personnel whose training has expired, is assigned flight duties on an aircraft engaged in an air ambulance operation until such time that such member undergoes recurrent training.


(5)Notwithstanding subregulation (4) above, a flight crew member, medical personnel or operations personnel, as the case may be, may be assigned flight duties without having undergone recurrent training as stipulated in subregulation (4) above: Provided that such flight crew member, medical personnel or operations personnel, as the case may be—
(a)undergoes such recurrent training within a period not exceeding six (6) months from the date of expiry of the preceding training;
(b)is, during the period of assignment, assigned to duties with at least one flight crew member, medical personnel or operations personnel, as the case may be, whose training has not expired; and
(c)has, during the period of assignment, not been off active duty for a period exceeding three (3) months.


(6)Any training required by this Part shall be conducted in accordance with the relevant requirements of this Part or by an ATO approved in terms of Part 141.