Civil Aviation Act, 2009 (Act No. 13 of 2009)


Civil Aviation Regulations, 2011

Part 128 : Helicopter Aerial Work and Certain Other Air Service Operations

Subpart 7 : Flight Operations

Division One : General

128.07.3 Hazardous flight conditions and unlawful interference

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(1)The pilot-in-command of any helicopter that encounters flight conditions considered to be hazardous to his or her, or another helicopter, shall report such conditions to any appropriate aeronautical station as soon as possible, giving such details as may be pertinent to the safety of other helicopters.


(2)Following an act of unlawful interference, the pilot-in-command shall—
(a) where, in his or her opinion the safety of persons on board the helicopter would not be jeopardized, report the events to the nearest ATS authority by the most discrete method possible, by the means devised for such communications; and
(b)submit, without delay, a report of such act to the Director in a form acceptable to the Director.