Civil Aviation Act, 2009 (Act No. 13 of 2009)


Civil Aviation Regulations, 2011

Part 121 : Air Transport Operations - Carriage on Aeroplanes of more than 19 Passengers or Cargo

Subpart 7 : Flight Operations

Division Two : Dispatch and flight release rules

121.07.18 Maintenance status

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(1)No person may dispatch or release an aeroplane unless it is airworthy and all known defects have been rectrfied and appropriately certified by an aeroplane maintenance engineer except where the dispatch of the aeroplane is in accordance with an approved MEL issued in terms of regulation 121.07.19, a COL approved by the State of Manufacture or as  otherwise permitted in the aeroplane flight manual.


(2)Under a co-authority dispatch system the pre-flight briefing issued by the flight operations officer shall include a full review of the aeroplane maintenance status.