Civil Aviation Act, 2009 (Act No. 13 of 2009)


Civil Aviation Regulations, 2011

Part 121 : Air Transport Operations - Carriage on Aeroplanes of more than 19 Passengers or Cargo

Subpart 5 : Aeroplane Instruments and Equipment

121.05.12 Internal doors and curtains

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(1)A passenger-carrying aeroplane falling under the following category shall be equipped with an approved flight crew compartment door capable of being locked and unlocked from either pilot's station, designed to resist penetration by a small firearm, grenade shrapnel, and forcible  intrusions from an unauthorised person:
(a)of a MCTOW in excess of 54 500 kg;
(b)of a MCTOW in excess of 45 500 kg with a passenger seating capacity greater than 19; or
(c)with a passenger seating capacity greater than 60.


(2)A person shall not operate an aeroplane unless such aeroplane is equipped with—
(a)a flight crew compartment door, that shall be capable of being locked, and means shall be provided by which cabin crew may discreetly notify a flight crew in an event of a suspicious activity or security breach in a cabin;
(b)a readily accessible device for opening each door which separates a passenger compartment in an aeroplane and a device to secure such door or curtain in an open position;
(c)a notice which indicates that a door or curtain shall be secured open during take-off and landing, placed on each internal door or adjacent to a curtain which provides access to an emergency exit; and
(d)a device for any flight crew member to unlock any door which is normally accessible to and may be locked by a passenger.


[Regulation 121.05.12 substituted by regulation 32(d) of Notice No. R.1503, GG45491, dated 15 November 2021 (Twenty-First Amendment of the Civil Aviation Regulations, 2021)]