(1) | An official responsible for aviation security shall— |
(a) | ensure compliance with legislation applicable to the security of its operation; |
(b) | be responsible for the development, implementation and reviewing of a security programme of an air carrier; |
(c) | undergo training as prescribed in Part 109; |
(d) | undertake security surveys, inspections and audits to validate the effectiveness of an air carrier security programme as part of a quality and risk management programme of an air carrier as prescribed in Document SA-CATS 114; and |
(e) | be responsible for informing the Director of any threat of unlawful interference with an aircraft. |
[Regulation 114.02.2 inserted by regulation 31 of Notice No. R.1503, GG45491, dated 15 November 2021 (Twenty-First Amendment of the Civil Aviation Regulations, 2021)]