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abandonment of
Act No. 74 of 1983
Administration of Act
Admission of
Adoption of adopted child
Adoption of children
after inquiry
Alteration of
Amendment of
amounts irregularly received
and places of care
and savings
Appeal from
Application of
as a result of adoption
attachment of wages
births register
born outside Republic
Bringing children before
by respondent
certain children
certain provisions of Act 32 of 1944
certificate of registration
Change of place
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Child Care Act, 1983
child welfare
children apart from parents
children from other countries
children received under this Act
Children who abscond
children who suffer from
childrens court
Children's court
childrens courts
Children's Courts
childrens homes
children's homes
Circumstances in which
Commercial sexual
Commissioners of
consent to adoption
contribution orders
Court may order
custody of children
Custody of foster children
Delegation of powers
Determination of
Discharge from
Duration of orders
Effect of adoption
Effect of contribution orders
Estimating age of person
execution of contribution orders
Financial support
foster child or pupil
foster children
from an institution or custody
from institution
from Republic
General provisions
Government childrens homes
Holding of inquiries
in institutions
in payment of contribution order
in respect of adoptions
injured children
Inspection of
institution or custody
institutions or custody
Laws Repealed
Leave of absence
Liability for maintenance
magistrate's court
Maintenance of
maintenance of pupils
may be dispensed with
Medical treatment
Notice of
Notification of
nutritional deficiency disease
of adopted child
of certain children
of children
of childrens homes
of residence or place of work
Officers of childrens court
on order of court
one custody or institution
or custody
or foster child
or on sworn information
order of adoption
other children
parental powers
pending inquiry
places of care
Places of safety
Powers of childrens courts
Prevention of ill-treatment
Prohibition of consideration
Prohibition of employment
Protection of children
provisional contribution orders
Provisions of contribution order
pupils and former foster children
Qualifications for
refusal to rescind
regarding pupils
Registration of birth
Removal of child
Removal of pupil
Repayment of
Repeal of laws
Rescission of
rescission of adoption
section 25 of Act 25 of 1961
Secure care facilities
Service of process
sexual exploitation
Short title
surrender of
to another
to place of safety
Transfer of certain
Transfer of children and pupils
under section 15
Unlawful removal
unlawful removal of
Unlawful removal of children