Air Traffic and Navigation Services Company Act, 1993
Notice No. 558 of 1993
1. Definitions
2. Establishment of public company
3. Share capital of company
4. Objects of company
5. Functions of company
6. Transfer of functions and assets of State to ...
7. Submission of business plan
8. Annual report
9. Sale of expropriated land
10. Minister may issue orders
11. Economic regulation of company
12. Sale or closure of air navigation infrastructure ...
13. Failure of company to comply with provisions
14. Regulations
15. Interpretation of Act 63 of 1975
16. Transitional provisions
17. Amendment of section 22 of Act 74 of 1962, ...
18. Short title and commencement
Publication of Air Traffic Service Charges
Notice No. 307 of 2011
1. Interpretation
2. Right to levy air traffic service charges
3. Air traffic service charges
4. Cost components
5. Independent variables
6. Mass categories
7. Origin-destination differentiation
8. Formulas and coefficients
9. Payment of air traffic service charges and security deposits
10. General rules, exemptions and exceptions
11. Withholding of services
Tariff Formulas and Coefficients
Publication of Air Traffic Service Charges
Notice No. 988 of 2017
1. Interpretation
2. Right to levy air traffic service charges
3. Air traffic service charges
4. Cost components
5. Independent variables
6. Mass categories
7. Formulas and coefficients
8. Payment of air traffic service charges and security...
9. General rules, exemptions and exceptions
10. Withholding of services
Tariff Formulas and Coefficients
Publication of Air Traffic Service Charges
Notice No. 818 of 2018
1. Interpretation
2. Right to levy air traffic service charges
3. Air traffic service charges
4. Cost components
5. Independent variables
6. Mass categories
7. Formulas and coefficients
8. Payment of air traffic service charges and security deposits
9. General rules, exemptions and exceptions
10. Withholding of services
Tariff Formulas and Coefficients
Publication of Air Traffic Service Charges
Notice No. 745 of 2020
1. Interpretation
2. Right to levy air traffic service charges
3. Air traffic service charges
4. Cost components
5. Independent variables
6. Mass categories
7. Formulas and coefficients
8. Payment of air traffic service charges and security deposits
9. General rules, exemptions and exceptions
10. Withholding of services
Tariff Formulas and Coefficients
Publication of Air Traffic Service Charges
Notice No. 740 of 2021
1. Interpretation
2. Right to levy air traffic service charges
3. Air traffic service charges
4. Cost components
5. Independent variables
6. Mass categories
7. Formulas and coefficients
8. Payment of air traffic service charges and security deposits
9. General rules, exemptions and exceptions
10. Withholding of services
Appendix - Tariff Formulas and Coefficients
Publication of Air Traffic Service Charges
Notice No. 1551 of 2023
1. Interpretation
2. Right to levy air traffic service charges
3. Air traffic service charges
4. Cost components
5. Independent variables
6. Mass categories
7. Formulas and coefficients
8. Payment of air traffic service charges and security deposits
9. General rules, exemptions and exceptions
10. Withholding of services
Appendix - Tariff Formulas and Coefficients
Publication of Air Traffic Service Charges
Notice No. 2924 of 2025
1. Interpretation
2. Right to levy air traffic service charges
3. Air traffic service charges
4. Cost components
5. Independent variables
6. Mass categories
7. Formulas and coefficients
8. Payment of air traffic service charges and security deposits
9. General rules, exemptions and exceptions
10. Withholding of services
Appendix - Tariff Forumulas and Coefficients