Agricultural Product Standards Act, 1990 (Act No. 119 of 1990)


Regulations regarding the Classification, Packing and Marking of certain Raw Processed Meat Products intended for sale in the Republic of South Africa

15. Methods of analysis

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(1) The test samples shall be prepared in accordance with the latest version of the Association of Analytical Communities’ (AOAC) methods on the preparation of test samples for meat and meat products, i.e. AOAC 983.18, or any other international recognised alternative method.


(2) The determination of the composition of the raw processed meat products shall be done in accordance with the methods set out in Table 2 below, or any other international recognised alternative methods providing equivalent results: Provided that at all times the most recently published version of the listed methods or their alternatives shall be used:



(a)The total meat content shall not be two percent or more than two percent lower than the prescribed meat content for that specific raw processed meat product.
(b)The fat content (as analysed) shall not differ by more than two percent from the prescribed fat content for that specific raw processed meat product.


[Regulation 15(3) inserted by section 7 of Notice No. R.5420, GG51372, dated 11 October 2024]





Test Method



Meat content

AOAC 928.08

Nitrogen determination, calculation


ISO 937:1978

(Protein [conversion factor 6.25])

Titrimetry, Kjeldahl digestion


Fat content

ISO 1443-1973

(Codex general method for processed meat and poultry products)

Gravimetry (Extraction)


AOAC 960.39

Soxhlet Ether Extraction


Moisture content

ISO 1442:1997

Moisture determination


AOAC 985.14

Moisture in Meat and Meat Product


Soya Protein content

AOAC 988.10

Protein/Soy Protein, Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay


Starch content

ISO 13965-1998

Determination of Starch and Glucose content – Enzymatic Method


Calcium content, Determination of calcium content for mechanically recovered meat (MRM) only

PEARSON – Pearson’s Chemical Analysis of Foods (8th edition), 1981 H. Egan, R.S. Kirk and R.

Sawyer – Longman Scientific. Pages 27-28

Determination of calcium by atomic absorption spectrophotometry


AOAC 983.19

Determination of calcium in Mechanically Separated Poultry and Beef
